Wednesday, 12 June 2013

First chemo infusion complete!

1 down, 5 to go!!

The chemo session itself wasnt like i expected, pretty straightforward, just a couple of immediate short lasting side effects. Dexamethazone (steroid antisickness) makes you feel for 30 seconds or so like you have sat on a hedgehog, the F medicine makes you feel like you REALLY need to sneeze and the E part makes your urine red!

Headache started about 30 mins later and the sickness about 30 mins after that... And hasnt stopped despite trying all the antisickness drugs they gave me! So far managed to only be actually sick twice, but the feeling is awful! Ice lolly for lunch as i simply cannot stand the thought of eating or drinking. Currently waiting for a call to see if I can have some different meds.

Today I need to have an injection in my tummy, something to do with stopping my white blood cells dropping too low in the middle of the cycle therefore preventing infection. Sounds like it gives my bone marrow a kick up the bum.

Now I shall go back to my snoozy, feel sorry for myself, duvet day and wait for the phone to ring to see if I'm allowed more antisickness.

The joys. Xx


  1. very brave lady xx sending you a big hug xx

  2. Poor u. Keep strong as it will all be worth. Xx
