Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Cavity shave operation and results!

Last Monday I had a cavity shave operation. They basically went back in the incision from my wide local excision and took a bit more tissue out. If this wasn't enough I would need a mastectomy, the thought of which terrifies me.

The operation went well and I went home the same day. Had a lot of pain to start with that painkillers didn't touch the pain. I managed about 10 minutes sleep at the start of the night then woke up with no pain. Looked at my dressing and it was saturated in blood. After a little panic and a phonecall to the out of hours nurse I changed my dressing, put a pressure dressing on and went back to bed. Me and the nurse think I may have had a collection of blood that just needed to find a way out.

Since then it seems to be healing well and I have minimal pain.

Today my fabulous, fabulous surgeon phoned me personally to let me know that the results have come back and they're good! Which means no mastectomy!!! He is going to discuss them more with me on Monday when I have my stitch out, but it is fabulous news!

This also means I am now classed as having NED! Which means no evidence of disease! Which is as close to the stereotypical "all clear" that I will ever get!

Fabulous results in perfect time for Christmas! Xx

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