Tuesday, 15 October 2013

My little pinktober rant

Pinktober? No! Im sorry, but all this pink fluffy shit really gets on my tits!!! Breast cancer isn't pink and isn't fluffy! Its serious and it's horrid, physically and psychologically. For starters its a 24/7, 365 day a year thing it doesn't last 1 month like pinktober, men get breast cancer too and shops selling "pink" things often only give 10-20% of the price to charity! Fair enough, go out dressed in pink or hold a pink party and give all your donations directly to a breast cancer charity, but you going out without a bra for a day really doesnt support me, more like makes me feel sicker than I already do! What does help me as a cancer suffer is knowing you lot check yourselves regularly and act when something isnt right. And if you have some spare change, read what area of cancer each charity does (research, support for patients etc) and give it to them!! Xx

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