Wednesday, 14 August 2013

New drugs, black nails and confirmed shrinkage!!

Saw the oncologist yesterday before chemo, bloods are all ok again so got the go ahead for the next type. It's a different drug to what I've had before which means different side effects. First dose went in yesterday, no problems, and NO sickness so far (touchwood)! Its amazing being able to eat and move about normally. All I feel at the moment is a tad sleepy, possibly from all these early mornings! Now to lie in wait for these bone and muscle pains I have been told to expect and hope they're not too horrid.

For those that see me over the next few months, I have black nail varnish on. Do not worry, I have not been turned gothic by medicine, I have read in multiple places that it may help my nails peeling, splitting or even dropping off as it prevents sunlight reaching my nail beds. Worth a try. I'm also attempting to drink more pineapple juice as that should hopefully help prevent my mouth becoming too nasty and sore. Strange preventative tactics, but worth a go!

Today the first dose of herceptin went through too, again no problems.

I am loving my port! Despite it still being bruised and the stitches on my chest wall still being in it is so much better than my PICC! Had the stitches out my neck yesterday, that wound has all healed well and looks fab, two weeks before the rest of the stitches can come out!

On a very, very positive note, I have made the conscious decision throughout my chemo to only feel the size of that lump once a week, that way any changes are more obvious to me. I have felt it shrinking! the second week seems to hit the thing the hardest.
The oncologist had a poke at it yesterday and agrees that it is definitely shrinking!!! Which spurs me on to fight through these side effects even more, because despite me normally feeling so rotten after chemo it's doing much more damage to that thing than it is to the rest of me. I'm also carrying on sending death wishes to it in the shower, silly as it sounds, makes me feel better and more in control and certainly won't do any harm! I won't receive any scan's until chemo is over, but a feel-able difference is amazing!

All in all feeling pretty positive now. Jumping over that halfway mark has definitely done me wonders! Xx


  1. Good on you Debby,give it hell. I like the sound of black nails,but don't tell everyone we don't want an epidemic of black nails.You could always liven them up with little peel off stars etc
    love you lots Gran x x x

  2. Keep fighting it Debby your a wonderful young lady xxx

  3. Go on Deb, such an inspiring young lady x

  4. Fantastic!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
